@sumit i mean, talk about your psychedelic space technology experiences. not even science fiction. – 07:31 PM GMT
@sumit one assumes! all nitrile-glove contact, of course. – 11:37 PM GMT
@sumit apparently metal-to-metal parts are subject to corrosion, e.g., cuff rings (blue / red for L/R) are Al + colored laminate metal – 11:39 PM GMT
@sumit which, on reflection, must affect thousands of aviation & space artifacts stashed in warehouses worldwide – 11:40 PM GMT
RT: @joshuamcnichols: The Surprising Place Where Some Seahawks Fans Gather tinyurl.com/l3f3zes – 11:43 PM GMT
RT: @waxylinks: Slackbot Bot: every office needs one bit.ly/1Gr1hrr – 11:51 PM GMT