orbital mission crews are funded based on clickrates for published material on the NASA content aggregation/distribution network – 02:12 AM GMT
once a week, the leading clickfarmer becomes the ISS click-commander. once a year, a billionaire is chosen to visit and distribute gifts. – 02:13 AM GMT
The leading space billionaires choose the gift-distributor via fistfights and simulated assassination attempts – 02:14 AM GMT
Glengarry Glen Ross but on the ISS – 02:16 AM GMT
An ISS crewmember unwittingly ingests amantia muscaria and it turns out the water recycling system can’t pull out the psychoactive alkaloids – 02:19 AM GMT
@sumit high praise, sir. Thank you! – 04:33 PM GMT
pro-life patriarchal fundamentalism extends taboos to spermatozoa, forbids exposure to Van Allen belt. Space crews restricted to women. – 04:43 PM GMT
RT: @JoeTheDough: Twitter enjoyment suggestions: Seek out an engaging and kind Louisianan funeral director. – 04:55 PM GMT
RT: @seattledot: SR 99 NB is closed at the Battery St tunnel due to a collision. All lanes are blocked, use alternate routes pic.twitter.com/9KeTDzHmgs – 07:02 PM GMT
seriously, epic blockage, dump truck dude – 07:03 PM GMT