I believe I abuse bellerophon overmuch.
There was a disk crash that led to unbootable drives. After much fiddling and a clean install of OS9 to the bay-mounted backup drive, all is well. For now.
There will be spotty outages and peculiar content and functionality changes as I run through some backup procedures over the next couple days.
But right now, a haircut!
Perhaps you should run Bellerophon inside a meat locker.
I believe you secretly enjoy all the hullabaloo surrounding that poor, pitiful laptop with wine corks and toothpics and ex-disk fans.
Although I like Paul’s idea of a power cord and an ethernet cable snaking out of your freezer.
P.S. Chaffin.nu is almost ready for public release. I’ve got all my software in place, except for the mail server. When I get it done, I’ll do a picture. It’s practically as pitiful as yours, except at least it’s got a case…
Yeah, cut that hair, ya damn hippie!