This looks like a promising alternative to BitTorrent Sync.
UPDATE: Literally the day after I wrote this, my install of BitTorrent Sync began showing an alert badge, so I went to check it out.
Earlier this week, BTS announced some changes to their offerings. The previous application was offered free with some functional limits which involved limiting the number of folders that could be created at the root of the shared folder, a slightly confusing policy that actually prevented me for ever even trying it once I had it up and running.
The revisions include a permanent, apparently fully-featured free version with no folder limits and a one-time upgrade to a Pro license at a $39.99, (discounted by $9.99 until 9/22). I’m still not clear on what the feature differences are between Pro and non, but the removal of the folder-count limit was enough to get me to dump my LAN share folder into BTS.
Previously I had been using AerosFS but they announced end-of-life for personal users and had originally been the ones pointing me at BTS.
I’m glad to see some life in LAN-only sync.
Anyway, long story short, I have now stripped out most of the content I was previously hosting via DropBox including some enormous client asset bases and can drop the DBX annual fee too, so that’s another $10 a month saved.
I’ve been mulling over trying to renegotiate my service fees with CenturyLink, which have steadily crept up over the years, from $97 in Feb. 2013 to $113 today. I think the first step in that process would be identifying alternative DSL providers and looking at Comcast again.