Notes and such regarding keyboard macro products for Mac OS X, circa late summer 2015.

Doing a bunch of data entry on Quickbooks Mac I was grated on by the numerous anti-usability design decisions that seem endemic to accounting software in general but are especially egregious in certain Intuit products.

The primary work-flow offender in QBX is the lack of keyboard shortcuts to power through required data-entry issues when entering charges and expenses – if the charge requires data entry to capture surcharges, such as a purchase with a sales tax, there does not appear to be a no-mouse way to open the ‘splits’ view, even when the program auto-populates the expenditure with a multi-line charge based on the last prior charge associated with the vendor.

Worse, ones you correct the incorrect amounts, rather than automatically recalculating, you must mouse to the button labeled ‘Recalc’ and THEN the charge is entered. As I recall, the Windows version has some slight usability advantages in similar matters but I have to get Viv using this too and that was something that proved impossible under Windows over a period of five years, soo…

At any rate!

(I do realize Automator might be able to provide what I need and will take a look at it too when I am ready to define a specific actionset. However, as QBX has a long track record of doing things its own way I’m not really expecting Apple’s tool to provide what I need.)

QUICK KEYS – $59.95/seat
No longer the same product or ownership as the venerable System 7 keyboard automation software.

  • Latest release and date? Unclear, but likely release date of 2009: “Designed for Mac OS X 10.5 Leopard and 10.6 Snow Leopard. With assistance from our Support Department and our customers, QuicKeys 4 substantially works with 10.7 Lion, 10.8 Mountain Lion, 10.9 Mavericks, and 10.10 Yosemite.
  • Demo download? Download before purchase, yes.

From Stairways, former and original developers of Anarchie. The KM site notes that KM was an acquired product.

  • Latest release and date? 7.0.1, 18 August 2015 – clearly under active development.
  • Demo download? Yes.

iKEY – $30/seat
Developers Plum Amazing offer a range of apps on several platforms and the iKey site prominently features an Adam Engst ‘Take Control’ Book.

  • Latest release and date? 2.5.3, 6/17/14
  • Demo download? Yes.

And some dark horses…

Mac Mouse Recorder – $19.95/seat
From JitBit, distributed indie team with a contemporary sensibility.

  • Latest release and date? 0.7, 9/16/2012
  • Demo download? Yes.

Macro Recorder for MacFree? I could not find a price. $5.00, although I am not sure how to pay.
From MurGaa. Given the barebones site design and Quirky use of Language and Capitalization, I surmise this is a one-person shop with cultural roots in the subcontinent. There is quite a range of automation apps here. The UI design on them is pretty engineering-forward, but hey, if it’s free…

  • Latest release and date? 5.0, Feb. 5, 2015
  • Demo download? Yes.

OK, that’s the lineup. I’ll continue when I have implemented.

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