@praguepainter weirdly i never looked like that – 12:09 AM GMT
My surfer nephew just shared this with me. Rad. earth.nullschool.net – 04:12 AM GMT
@dansinker holla – 07:06 AM GMT
@praguepainter hold the king in your mind – 07:08 AM GMT
RT: @michaelhoffman: .@TheMarySue on the Millennium Falcon’s new satellite dish themarysue.tumblr.com/post/104101039… via @laurastephen – 02:45 PM GMT
@poupou the visit will await another trip. i’m all hand-clappy about it – 10:59 PM GMT
@surlygourmand stumbled into an FB thread where some choice specimens were holding forth on how Snopes is a commie front operation – 11:12 PM GMT
@whybark clap clap – 11:16 PM GMT