RT: @waxylinks: The Museum of Simulation Technology: clever game mechanic that plays with forced perspective bit.ly/1ijmVi3 – 01:53 AM GMT
prior RT for @agent_cooper – 01:53 AM GMT
@jkonrath wow that shit must be a year old – 01:57 AM GMT
@whybark dammit – 03:58 AM GMT
RT: @madamjujujive: every conference call I have ever been in + no exit conferencecall.biz – 04:01 AM GMT
@DanEngler that’s slated for Saturday supposeably – 06:21 PM GMT
@anticdent given your venue I assume you have seen this. note scriptlet. apple.stackexchange.com/questions/2727… – 10:11 PM GMT
@anticdent guessing also you don’t want to open the box, but couldn’t you pop the cable? – 10:13 PM GMT
@anticdent depends on what era iMac, I guess, too. hm… yrs MUST be intel, ergo one-housing LED, ergo PITA to open – 10:15 PM GMT
@anticdent except possibly you have eliminated that by running in mode before HW is exposed to CL? maybe? no, gotta be abracadabras in there – 10:17 PM GMT