The V’ger fly-in bit in the first Trek movie looks and feels like something from Druillet around the same era. – 04:39 AM GMT
About Roddenberry’s unpublished original Trek novel, “The God Thing”:… // hoo boy – 06:11 AM GMT
.@arthurwyatt ROBODAPTOR: a prolific author turns out to be a ruthless gang of biological robots intent on taking over Hollywood! – 07:42 AM GMT
@manwhoyells hm, not my finest effort, too much shop filterin’, no drawing to speak of – 08:55 AM GMT
@deathmtn i just use any random midi-to-usb cable that works. with the apple whazzit adapter. – 05:30 PM GMT
@deathmtn verified input from a casio cdp-100 & rock band jag, keyboard whatsit, and the real-guitar fender RB3 strat – 05:31 PM GMT
@deathmtn don’t recall if i tested out to the casio from ipad – 05:32 PM GMT
@deathmtn yes, that’s the widget. apple-branded iThing to USB. Not all the USB-o-midi cables I have support it though. – 06:13 PM GMT
@deathmtn the differentiation is apparently in the USB chipsets onthe cables, but the deets are beyond me. – 06:13 PM GMT
@deathmtn here’s a current survey, with the new-style connector. mine’s the prior connector.… – 06:15 PM GMT
@deathmtn another one:… – 06:19 PM GMT
@deathmtn the comments thread is interesting. i had forgotten, an old Tascam USB DAW I had won’t work with midi on Mac now. So HW mfrs … – 06:21 PM GMT
@deathmtn … have been shipping semi-compliant devices forever and if they drop line, no more drivers. I expect similar to be true for iOS. – 06:22 PM GMT
@deathmtn … except presumably there are no iOS drivers per se, just apps that contain the mfr-specific code and stuff. and oh yeah! – 06:23 PM GMT
@deathmtn for obvious reasons, bus-power only USB DAW or midi devices won’t work with an iOS device, at least based on my experimentation. – 06:24 PM GMT
@deathmtn don’t think I ever got ipad <> usb hub <> midi or DAW working either, also unsurprising – 06:25 PM GMT
@JoeTheDough hmmmmm your thesis set me to mumbling. last steps, somehow roping s3-dropbox to icloud, add auth for some assets – 06:28 PM GMT
@JoeTheDough someday I should give you a tour of my home LAN. The networking engineer is a total hack. – 06:42 PM GMT
@deathmtn oh, man, the technically-oriented troubleshootery! Just kills the playing urge some days. GB iPad simplifys some of that. – 06:44 PM GMT
@deathmtn but getting GB iPad projects into GB desktop is so obtuse, I find. I try never to schedule desktop sessions on the days I import. – 06:45 PM GMT
@JoeTheDough is there a way to pipe Photo Stream into Flickr? (if iPhone, ymmv) – 06:46 PM GMT
@deathmtn one more point: $40 full-notecount buttonfret midi guitar:…. // sadly, no fingermute – 06:49 PM GMT
@deathmtn it has a physical midi out. lack of fingermute is aggravating, but, hey! $40. limited transposition via rocker switch, ABCD btns. – 06:51 PM GMT
@JoeTheDough I had seen that feetch, but not turned it on due to bitspace. need to tot up a bitbudget I spose. – 06:52 PM GMT
@JoeTheDough must be a way to scrape the iCloud Photostream URL. must be. hm, i suppose getting it into a feedreader would do the trick. – 06:53 PM GMT
@JoeTheDough hilarious. stick it in your cgi hosting and point it at DBX. Applescript an actual desktop login spoofing your UID. – 06:55 PM GMT
@JoeTheDough what could possibly go worng? – 06:55 PM GMT
@JoeTheDough or the service goes down silently all the time – 06:56 PM GMT
@iasshole what? actual musics? – 06:57 PM GMT
@iasshole MC Soggy Doggy on the block! – 07:18 PM GMT
@deathmtn nice! have a gk-01 but never got it set up to my satisfaction. CL purch from @jackwilliambell, at sale he realized we’d met IRL! – 07:53 PM GMT
@deathmtn nothing contemporary. maybe nothing old, even! most recent active band (I left circa 2002) archive site: – 07:54 PM GMT
@deathmtn …note links. old skool. those sessions are around, I should post them. Older stuff elsewhere too. – 07:55 PM GMT
@deathmtn (1989), for example. – 07:55 PM GMT
@deathmtn been largely casual acoustic mando since around 2000. – 07:56 PM GMT
@JoeTheDough ha! look: // just the duct tape I was looking for – 10:28 PM GMT
@phoebenorth kickass! – 11:30 PM GMT
@sugarfreak missed him so far, but we’re proceeding with caution – 11:39 PM GMT