mmmm korean food
about a day ago from Tweetbot for iOS
@deathmtn hm, I swear the version I first bought did not, maybe they added it. or I couldn’t find the feature.
about a day ago from Tweetbot for iOS in reply to deathmtn
Ahem. Looking for that GR replacement? Got an iPADD? Try LCARSS!…
about a day ago from Tweetbot for iOS
@Specklet are you in the international terminal? They have dusty fake trees upstairs!
about a day ago from Tweetbot for iOS in reply to Specklet
@johnpstrohm AAAGH don’t scare me like that!
about a day ago from Tweetbot for iOS in reply to johnpstrohm
@gjcharlet /slap
about a day ago from Tweetbot for iOS in reply to gjcharlet
@JoeTheDough @gjcharlet that’s what *he* said
about a day ago from Tweetbot for iOS in reply to JoeTheDough
oops. goddammit, I did NOT intend for Newsblur to post that here. or on Facebook. for fuck’s sake.
about a day ago from Tweetbot for iOS
hm, well that’s irritating: it wasn’t posted here but Newsblur’s sharing confirmation dialog made it appear to be. huh.
about a day ago from Tweetbot for iOS
@cstross @arthurwyatt “core would be surrounded by an iron reflector – a layer of material to reflect escaping neutrons” BLOOD INSULATED
about a day ago from Tweetbot for iOS in reply to cstross
@arthurwyatt @cstross “The Walrus and the Carpenter” is actually an hermetic set of instructions for building a fast breeder reactor
about a day ago from Tweetbot for iOS in reply to arthurwyatt
OK, back to hunting deductions.
about a day ago from Tweetbot for iOS
“The sun was shining on the sea,
Shining with all his might: … And this was odd, because it was The middle of the night.” Naked core, obvs about a day ago from Tweetbot for iOS
“No birds were flying overhead–
There were no birds to fly.” Due to the radiation, of course about a day ago from Tweetbot for iOS
“The time has come,” the Walrus said,
“To talk of many things: … And why the sea is boiling hot– And whether pigs have wings.” Waste heat. about a day ago from Tweetbot for iOS
“Now if you’re ready, Oysters dear,
We can begin to feed.” “But not on us!” the Oysters cried, about a day ago from Tweetbot for iOS
“I weep for you,” the Walrus said:
“I deeply sympathize .” With sobs & tears he sorted out Those of the largest size, … Insulation? Lime? about a day ago from Tweetbot for iOS
“O Oysters,” said the Carpenter,
… But answer came there none– And this was scarcely odd, because They’d eaten every one. — unclear about a day ago from Tweetbot for iOS
@arthurwyatt sealing wax: pressure-differential airlocks
about a day ago from Tweetbot for iOS in reply to arthurwyatt
maybe i shall make a cake!
about a day ago from Tweetbot for iOS
RT: @TheOldReader: We are opening donations (as you have suggested). Blog post here:…
Thanks for your support. We’re back to work now. about a day ago from Twitterrific for Mac
.@TheOldReader I don’t understand how to use flattr and am not going to self-educate on it. I want to send you $20. Please advise.
about a day ago from Twitterrific for Mac in reply to TheOldReader
@hell0jed and it’s only a dollar!
about a day ago from Twitterrific for Mac in reply to hell0jed
@TheOldReader done!
about a day ago from Twitterrific for Mac in reply to TheOldReader
@jonronson gabba gabba one of us
about a day ago from Tweetbot for iOS in reply to jonronson
@agent_cooper congrats!
about a day ago from Tweetbot for iOS in reply to agent_cooper