I believe I shall inflict Barry Lyndon upon my tired, easily bored wife this evening. Comfy slippers, candles, a glass of wine. – 01:21 AM GMT
Oh, and last nite we rented a film on Amazon to play on tv from within the web browser. Verdict: acceptable, except for the script choices. – 01:23 AM GMT
RT @desjardins: Occupy Deep Space 9 occupyds9.blogspot.com/2011/12/future… #startrek (blog entry by me) – 01:25 AM GMT
@desjardins awesome! Do they mention John Titor? J/k, obvs – 01:26 AM GMT
@hell0jed character name Captain Harlock. Forget series name offhand. – 05:20 AM GMT
@hell0jed maybe actually 1970s. – 05:21 AM GMT
@hell0jed en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Captain_H… / 1970s through 2000s, various incarnations / series – 05:24 AM GMT
@hell0jed … And finally, you are also thinking of Battleship Yamamoto, which once was a crossover with Harlock, but apparently now is not. – 05:29 AM GMT
@hell0jed cf. shipschematics.net/yamato/chronol… // scroll for pix – 05:30 AM GMT
@hell0jed d’oh, Yamato, I mean – 05:31 AM GMT