I rebuilt the mailserver on bellerophon today. It sent out a bunch of ‘failed delivery’ messages based on comments made since I got the sever back up on its feet.
Do not be alarmed.
I rebuilt the mailserver on bellerophon today. It sent out a bunch of ‘failed delivery’ messages based on comments made since I got the sever back up on its feet.
Do not be alarmed.
Not alarmed, but perplexed. Then, decided that bellerophon must be disgorging some sort of undigested electronic dinner.
Though I might be alarmed that “severing” was taking place…
yes, a web sever.
this would be the appropriate place to try to see if my mail-notifications for comments are active.
can you hear me now?
It would seem so. But my systems reports are still getting shuffled off into /dev/null, it seems. Silly root.
mail testing
more testing, this time for comments