From the Greatest Bus Driver in the World: Poultry notes, featuring a thoughtful exegesis of soon-to-be-ex Justice Connor and her memorable career in the entertainment industry. His Back to the Blog combines some excellent writing on antidepressant medications with careful observations of Jon’s cat and the environment.
Meanwhile, in Wisconsin, B^2 breaks radio silence with one of his patented, remarkable comicstrip remixes. This time, it’s a melancholy reflection on memory and loss cast as a Mark Trail Sunday strip. Genius! He’s a freaking genius! He does seem to be feeling rather down, I’m sorry to say.
A thank you to Chris for his link to SuperDuper, and I note with pride a link to the ineffable IOCNM.
Finally, Editor B has been chronicling his passage upcountry, from the Mississippi delta (which, as you all know, shines like a National guitar) to my hometown of Bloomington. In today’s entry, he hooks us quickly with a tale of dining in a cave before moving on to celebrate the peculiar and kind ways of this vast and contradictory land on the eve of its’ birthday celebration.
…which, as you all know, shines like a National guitar…
A great song my friend, one of the greatest.
… and fecking imPOSSible to play – the song’s changes are essentiallyline by line, and the original recording scrubs more or less all conventional instrumentation, replacing it with that great bed of african hi-life guitar and those voices.
I had that LP on a tape backed with Miles’ ’87 release Tutu for years, and then I didn’t, and then I did again, and alas, for Miles’ work employed heavy 80s synths and suffered mightily in comparison to the amazing stuff on the Paul Simon record.