Before I forget, my current understanding of the problem and repair procedure for Odysseus is:
Problem definition: when the underlying copy tool used by CCC to create images, “ditto,” does its’ thing, in certain circumstances, file ownership records are changed to 99 from the appropriate ownership status. CCC fora indicate this problem is associated with files created under OS9 and therefore outside of the permissins and ownership management protocols of OS X. In my case, this clearly affects files that have nothing to do with OS9.
User ID 99 is a special ID which causes the files to report, falsely, that they are owned by whatever process it is that is attempting to determine ownership. Determining the proper ownership of these files and resetting them to the correct User ID is the resolution. The problem that arises is isolating and identifying the appropriate and accurate ownership setting. It may actually be impossible to do so, if the UID 99 has been assigned to files which should belong to more than a single user ID or process.
1. Restore from backup via imaging.
2. Hand restore any User directories and preferences. I beleive I may attempt to hand restore Applicaions as well, but if that fails, I can figure out any apps that were updated in the day or two we’re looking to restore to.
3. Check for the UID problem.
4. If found (it will be), dig out the initiall installation disks that came with the unit. Perform an install using the archive and restore user prefs option.
This should resolve all system-level UID and perms errors, leaving only any issues associated with user-installed applications and files in the User directory hierarchy. THe files in the User directory, in theory, can then be recursively set to belong to the user associated with that directory.
Any remaining UID errors can be isolated on an application by application basis, presumably via reinstalls.