The (Not So Short) History of Paper Boats, by Ken Cupery.
“Over a hundred years ago a prosperous industry emerged in Troy, New York in the manufacture of rowing boats and canoes from paper. These ranged from simple single-person rowing shells to a 45 foot “pleasure barge” that could seat seventeen in addition to its six oarsmen. This business began in 1867 when Elisha Waters, a Troy NY paper box manufacturer, and his son George Waters, invented and then patented a method for constructing boat hulls from paper…”
I’ll see our cardmodels and raise you a full-size boat.
Stumbled across while looking for a better steamboat model than the one to be found here, which came about from looking for a version of Stagger Lee via chordie (There are at least two). In the course of looking I learned that St. Lous stemaboat magnate Jim Lee had the habit of naming his boats after his sons, and one was the Stacker Lee – which is apparently unrelated except by name to the original gunsel, Lee Sheldon, who ‘shot that boor boy so bad’ in St. Louis in 1898.