On Identity

The Statesman claims that Don Foster has fingered exposed unmasked uncovered revealed the author of Belle de Jour. Foster used computer-based linguistic analysis to deduce that Joe Klein wrote Primary Colors. [via Boing Boing]

USA Today Says Reporter Faked Stories [NYT]: Five-time Pulitzer nominee fired. Jack Kelley spent 21 years at USA Today, and judging by the fabrications cited in the article, had a knack for the dramatic moment:

For one of the stories that helped make him a Pulitzer Prize finalist in 2001, Kelley wrote that he was an eyewitness to a suicide bombing in Jerusalem and described the carnage in graphic detail. But the investigation showed that the man Kelley described as the bomber could not have been the culprit, and his description of three decapitated victims was contradicted by police.

The newspaper also said “the evidence strongly contradicted” other published accounts by Kelley: that he spent the night with Egyptian terrorists in 1997; met a vigilante Jewish settler named Avi Shapiro in 2001; watched a Pakistani student unfold a picture of the Sears Tower and say, “This one is mine,” in 2001; interviewed the daughter of an Iraqi general in 2003; or went on a high-speed hunt for Osama bin Laden in 2003.

And topping off our little collection, who wouldn’t be interested in reading what happens when a writer for The Stranger connives and cajoles Jayson Blair and Stephen Glass into meeting him for a beer at Brooklyn watering hole for a joint interview?

I think I have found my theme for the day; Charlie Kaufman sets the tone.

When pressed

Rising Up and Rising Down: Vollmann’s Anatomy of Violence. [NYT]

See? Din’t I tell yez ta pick this up?

I do not know if the NYT guy got a different edition than I – but I wouldn’t call the thin-cotton cased boards that form the covers of these books ‘luxurious.’

It’s more ‘respectful,’ a minimum effort to provide a physical presence for something the author and publisher both want to sell at a not-too-extravagant price.

Although $100 for seven voumes will certainly seem like an absurdist and luxuriant toll, it is not. Just check what new retail for the single volume of the most recent Harry Potter book was, and come on back to chat.

I’ll be around all day, playing this here banjo.

The author of the review dismisses the work, in the end, as ‘a work of grand obsession that, for too often, lies dead upon the page,’ citing overwritten prose and the (in this book) unplumbed reasons for Vollmann’s compulsion to ‘to put the body in harm’s way.’

I’m not to be dissuaded from the work on this basis, as I have a thesis about Vollmann’s fascination, and have learned to read him at his most empurpled. I certainly promise more here upon this work after (or given the length, as) I complete it.

Congruent Orbital Paths

So, by now we all know that the end of the world was barely averted recently when an asteroid just missed the planet.

Shortly thereafter, I found it peculiar to read a story whose central metaphor for the loss of a child is asteroidal impact and variations thereof.

The story was posted online February 23. The actual events took place in mid-Jaunary, and resulted in a conference on developing a procedure for alerting the authorities.

Therefore it’s possible, maybe even probable, that the story was selected in awareness of the conference and possibly the catalyst for the story’s publication date.

Leo Gursky

The Last Words on Earth, by Nicole Krauss. Feb 9, 2004 issue of the New Yorker.

A funny little old man tells us about some of the buffeting the century dealt him. He’s hilarious; the story is heartbreaking. I loved it. I laughed, I cried, right?

Well, yeah.

(I should clarify that the story is a short work of fiction.)

the Ice Storm

Hollyism notes that an ice storm is inbound to my hometown of Bloomington, and as I’ve been looking for an opportunity to elevate the level of discourse here by running a neglected citation by Mr. Twain, here it is. I was pretty much killed by this when I read it – it’s a bit over the top by modern standards, but it’s clearly intended as a sort of virtuoso set-piece. I hope those shortly to be discommoded may take the opportunity to stand among the glittering trees and read this aloud as a voice from the past.

From Following the Equator, a late travelogue concerning a world-spanning lecture tour. He’s writing about the Taj Mahal and uses this anecdote and rather flashy bit of descriptive writing to convey by analogy his impressions of the tomb.

Here in London the other night I was talking with some Scotch and English friends, and I mentioned the ice-storm, using it as a figure — a figure which failed, for none of them had heard of the ice-storm. One gentleman, who was very familiar with American literature, said he had never seen it mentioned in any book. That is strange. And I, myself, was not able to say that I had seen it mentioned in a book; and yet the autumn foliage, with all other American scenery, has received full and competent attention.

The oversight is strange, for in America the ice-storm is an event. And it is not an event which one is careless about. When it comes, the news flies from room to room in the house, there are bangings on the doors, and shoutings, “The ice-storm! the ice-storm!” and even the laziest sleepers throw off the covers and join the rush for the windows. The ice-storm occurs in midwinter, and usually its enchantments are wrought in the silence and the darkness of the night. A fine drizzling rain falls hour after hour upon the naked twigs and branches of the trees, and as it falls it freezes. In time the trunk and every branch and twig are incased in hard pure ice; so that the tree looks like a skeleton tree made all of glass — glass that is crystal-clear. All along the underside of every branch and twig is a comb of little icicles — the frozen drip. Sometimes these pendants do not quite amount to icicles, but are round beads — frozen tears.

The weather clears, toward dawn, and leaves a brisk pure atmosphere and a sky without a shred of cloud in it — and everything is still, there is not a breath of wind. The dawn breaks and spreads, the news of the storm goes about the house, and the little and the big, in wraps and blankets, flock to the window and press together there, and gaze intently out upon the great white ghost in the grounds, and nobody says a word, nobody stirs. All are waiting; they know what is coming, and they are waiting waiting for the miracle. The minutes drift on and on and on, with not a sound but the ticking of the clock; at last the sun fires a sudden sheaf of rays into the ghostly tree and turns it into a white splendor of glittering diamonds. Everybody catches his breath, and feels a swelling in his throat and a moisture in his eyes-but waits again; for he knows what is coming; there is more yet. The sun climbs higher, and still higher, flooding the tree from its loftiest spread of branches to its lowest, turning it to a glory of white fire; then in a moment, without warning, comes the great miracle, the supreme miracle, the miracle without its fellow in the earth; a gust of wind sets every branch and twig to swaying, and in an instant turns the whole white tree into a spouting and spraying explosion of flashing gems of every conceivable color; and there it stands and sways this way and that, flash! flash! flash! a dancing and glancing world of rubies, emeralds, diamonds, sapphires, the most radiant spectacle, the most blinding spectacle, the divinest, the most exquisite, the most intoxicating vision of fire and color and intolerable and unimaginable splendor that ever any eye has rested upon in this world, or will ever rest upon outside of the gates of heaven.

By, all my senses, all my faculties, I know that the icestorm is Nature’s supremest achievement in the domain of the superb and the beautiful; and by my reason, at least, I know that the Taj is man’s ice-storm.

In the ice-storm every one of the myriad ice-beads pendant from twig and branch is an individual gem, and changes color with every motion caused by the wind; each tree carries a million, and a forest-front exhibits the splendors of the single tree multiplied by a thousand.

It occurs to me now that I have never seen the ice-storm put upon canvas, and have not heard that any painter has tried to do it. I wonder why that is. Is it that paint cannot counterfeit the intense blaze of a sun- flooded jewel? There should be, and must be, a reason, and a good one, why the most enchanting sight that Nature has created has been neglected by the brush.

more on RURD

Timothy McSweeney’s Internet Tendency: William Vollmann’s Rising Up and Rising Down, an oral history.

After reading this, I am antsy for the book to get here.

Ken mentioned that he’d heard Eggers mention a) they were publishing the book and b) it was going to be reasonably priced. It was on the phone or something, instant messaging, I don’t recall.

He wasn’t 100% what the book was, but he knows that I love Vollmann’s work (I haven’t yet read every word, but will eventually), and I filled in some of the details. This was in late November – I figured that meant the book was years away, given the intricacies of getting a project of this scope out the door.

Now, reading the McSweeney’s Oral History I am consumed with jealousy and overtaken with fantasies of moving to SF to camp out on the Valencia project floor: I would LOVE to edit Bill’s work, and to edit the personal obsession that he may think is his most important work – and which I believe stems from a very personal part of him – well, my God, Eli – that’s Eli Horowitz, on the assumption my Googlejuice will draw you, you lucky man – I’m green with envy and giddy with joy for you, for me, for Bill, for us.

Craig Thompson transcript – Contents

This provides a Table of Contents that presents the eight parts of my conversation with Craig Thompson in order (and, being posted last, sits at the top of the Category listing for the material)

Craig Thompson transcript – Contents
Craig Thompson transcript – Part 1
Craig Thompson transcript – Part 2
Craig Thompson transcript – Part 3
Craig Thompson transcript – Part 4
Craig Thompson transcript – Part 5
Craig Thompson transcript – Part 6
Craig Thompson transcript – Part 7
Craig Thompson transcript – Part 8