A visit to Uwajimaya and the ID of course brings with it the wonders of food not commonly found in Safeway. Check it out! Grass jelly, on sale for 75 cents!
(I have eaten grass jelly in the past, and can aver, it’s pretty tasty! Slightly sweet, refreshing! Aaahh!)
I also particularly like the (Taiwanese) package design. It’s intimidating.
I’m trying to imagine a grassy-jello-y drink as refreshing, and… it’s not happening.
It’s always a tough call with the slimy green healthy foodstuffs . . . sometimes they’re wondrous, other times hideous, and I have never been able to figure out ahead of time which is going to be which.
I like the package design, too — it distracts you from the fact that you’re about to eat grass jelly.