Tablet‘s posted my first comics column, Ink and Pixels. Sadly, a major section of the piece was cut, probably for space reasons. I spoke with an organizer of the InkSpot zines-and-comics forums at Bumbershoot, and really regret that the section didn’t get included in the article.
I interviewed Tatiana Gill for the article and reviewd Dave Cooper’s Ripple.
I think I like the format – but I’m still wavering about running straight Q&A versus rewriting the interview into 400-word features to lead the column.
Finally, I also secured the domain name “” with the intention of doing some archiving and incorporating more material – such as regular capsule reviews and introductions to web comics site – but need to discuss this with the Tablet folks, I think.
The next installment of the column should include more substantal review material as well. One of the challenges in attempting to feature younger, self-published artists will be familiarizing mysef with their work. Fortunately, most of the people I’m coming across have websites.