Today, in order to properly demonstrate my commitment to the candidcacy for the Governorship of California, I awakened hurriedly, twisted in the sheets, in danger of missing my bus to the University District for a press screening of the Claude Lelouch film, “And Now Ladies and Gentlemen” starring Jeremy Irons and Patricia Kaas.
Fortunately, I made it to the theater a cool twenty minutes ahead of the noon showing. Since it’s for a review to be published later and elsewhere, modesty forbids me to reveal my opinion in any meaning ful way – a discipline I find useful in my campaign appearances.
The film is bilingual, roughly equally in French and English, and the characters and actors slip in between the languages with the ease and grace of parters sliping in between the sheets in old-fashioned French sex farces.
This is the second film in a few weeks that Tablet’s sent me to that features a heavy use of French, and it’s proving to be plumb good for my French language muscle – I leave the theater thinking in French, itching to speak it again.
On my second campaign appearance, I attended the Tablet staff meeting in Belltown ad met many of my fellow contributors, finding, unsurprisingly, that many shared acquaintances already link us. Notable among these shared acquaintances was Olympia, Washington’s beloved Chuck Swaim. All in all it was a pleasant get together and it was nice to put faces to names.
vive les pommes frites!
Will your campaign be filled with any of the intrigueof old-time French sex farces? Controversy is sooo much of the political scene.