May I call your attention to the most recently posted comment under my Blimp Week chestnut, The Wreck of the Shenandoah: a genuine eye-witness account from one Robert McCoy.
Man, this internet thing just might work out.
Feedback like this is the obverse of this site’s magical ability to attract those it discusses into discourse. See also the recent comment under my Bob’s Java Jive entry, in which a The Seamonkees promote their appearance there on May 3, as well as some of the other comments under that entry.
Speaking of Tacoma, they have a heck of a scandal brewing; the Chief of Police shot and killed himself seconds after shooting his estranged wife in the head earlier this week. The reaction by city department heads was initially to circle the wagons and praise the dead man as an advocate for victims of domestic violence. Things are continuing to develop.
Here’s a P-I search on the name of the unfortunate woman, Crystal Brame. Oh, it’s, I don’t know, the sort of thing that Seattle media loves to report about Tacoma, I’d say.
I know this might be a little warped, but I guess that’s just me. Are the “Department Heads” of which you speak attatched to bodies or do they function well without them?