Moorcock’s Miscellany fan dialog with Mike about his interest in, appreciation of, and personal dealings with Zelazny. My acquaintance R. Wang drops by. MM is too savvy to talk in depth about Z, but makes nice and points out that he was Zelazny’s publishing editor back in the day. Oh, I want to read a less-guarded take. Corwin is either Elric as an aspect of the Eternal Champion or something closer – there can be no accident regarding the characters’ colors.
A poster in the thread notes that Hawkwind cut two songs nearly certainly based on Zelazny stories.
A moment’s reflection on MM’s avowed openness to shared characters, in particular and specific the character of Jerry Cornelius, tells me all I really need to know. Whether or not Zelazny consciously borrowed the “Cor” phoneme for Corwin is fundamentally not germane. Corwin and company clearly are an aspect of MM’s groundwork, and when I think I see a glint of his stuff shining through, given Zelazny’s amply documented love of allusion, I. can think of no reason to to accept the insight.