Where is Raed ? updated at 6:05p Baghdad, 7a Seattle, about two hours ago.
He notes that is about two hours until the B-52s arrive, and as I write this, reports of intensified anti-aircraft fire are on NPR and CNN.
Where is Raed ? updated at 6:05p Baghdad, 7a Seattle, about two hours ago.
He notes that is about two hours until the B-52s arrive, and as I write this, reports of intensified anti-aircraft fire are on NPR and CNN.
Mike, I just discovered that weblog a few days ago. I sent the guy an email right after I heard that Shock and Awe was underway, asking if he was okay. Also, I know Kathy Kelly of Voices in the Wilderness, who is in Baghdad now with the Iraq Peace Team–they are staying in a hotel right in the middle of downtown Baghdad. I haven’t heard any news about them since this morning.