robins chirping, more firepit fire. spring. – 12:49 AM GMT
it’s like a recipe for sleep. I know there’s rain tomorrow so it’s just as well I didn’t set up a hammock. – 01:18 AM GMT
@mubay but with singing waiters – 04:16 AM GMT
dog magic: palm toy, pretend to eat. dog begins to whimper. extend through high pitched puppy barks. produce toy. enjoy look of amazeballs. – 04:21 AM GMT
@iasshole ergo: it’s a clown car – 05:10 AM GMT
@the_hereford missed this. that’s @ichimeterlady. – 06:05 AM GMT
attn @bradleystein @paulconstant Dan Savage, high school senior, 1982, Chicago. – 05:59 PM GMT