about a day ago from Twitter for iPhone
@hell0jed DUUUUUDE
about a day ago from Tweetbot for iOS in reply to hell0jed
@hell0jed but you know ask about maintenance costs and reason for selling etc etc
about a day ago from Tweetbot for iOS in reply to hell0jed
attn @sumit…. /// genius. hive mind as it were
about a day ago from Tweetbot for iOS
@mubay goddamn viking
about a day ago from Tweetbot for iOS in reply to mubay
HEYYYYY presentation pitch went very well indeed, I think. Amusingly people clustered around to ask questions about old bands & gigs after.
about 19 hours ago from Tweetbot for iOS
@Specklet good god, is that a 72 hour trip?
about 19 hours ago from Tweetbot for iOS in reply to Specklet
@poupou shouldn’t your objective be to get them to rush at you, whereupon you use their momentum to leave?
about 18 hours ago from Tweetbot for iOS in reply to poupou