ugh. I have got to fix this linebreak bs.“@gen: PingMag is back! –…” EFF YES – 03:47 AM GMT
@arthurwyatt… – 04:00 AM GMT
weird thing about @TheOldReader: it is slowly presenting archival content from various feeds, like a few at a time. Like a time machine. – 11:48 AM GMT
morning, there were posts by @samantham from 2008, @surlygourmand from 2009 (I think, the Weekly is mentioned) & @musicalfam from 2010. – 11:52 AM GMT
should take my second sleep. Big day today involving contracts and business plans and other such deadly nonsense. – 11:54 AM GMT
@DanEngler i’m in bed! You best be at the rowing machine! – 12:06 PM GMT
in reply to DanEnglerhm, poor disclosure in Newsblur iPad app; “find friends” generates autofollow with no unfollow option, can’t find unfollow in browser mode. – 01:11 PM GMT
also, looks like base count of free feeds has been returned to 64, good. – 01:12 PM GMT
@joshmillard other Lebowski is Frasier. Jackie Treehorn is Sam. – 02:42 PM GMT
in reply to joshmillard@matthewbaldwin GOOGLE FRANK HERBERT – 04:37 PM GMT
in reply to matthewbaldwin$7? or $40?… – 09:59 PM GMT