Rummaging through old entries here last night I realized I haven’t been updating the blog nearly as much as I did even two years after moving into this house.
The obvious place to start is my renewed interest in baseball. I’ll talk about where it came from later. For now, I want to talk about this year.
In January 2013, as in 2012, Ken and I attended FanFest at Safeco, and planned ahead to compete in the Family Feud-style trivia panel that awards caps to all participants and a pair of upper-level tickets to winners. Our team won, so we both came away with caps and tickets.

Partway through the day we noticed Iwakuma doing his stint at the M’s Twitter booth and I was able to greet him and say a few words of appreciation.
I was also happy to be able to show David Eskenazi my curious Cuba jersey and a printout of the mystery Griffey ukiyo-e.

Between then and now I have been trying to plan my season in advance so as not to spend as much time chasing tickets on craigslist as I did last year. I picked up a 6-game share of a season ticket on third base, and three sets of two-ticket $50 gift packs, so ten games so far, twenty tickets, average ticket cost a bit over $25.
Last year I attended about 30 games and my average ticket cost was just over $20, so I feel like I’m heading in the right direction. BECU is sponsoring $10 Mondays and Tuesdays this year again, and the only premium priced games I want to get to for sure are Opening Day and the Sunday 6/30 game against the Cubs, so I think I can assemble a budget plan to get to that $20 level again.
The Pirates are here this year too and I have vague memories of following them for a couple seasons in the early 1970s, memories which I need to excavate.