Is it normal to have random people drop by with questions associated tangentially with a topic you’ve written about, but for which you have no answer?
How about for people to simply miss the point of the post altogether and develop their own interpretations of what the comments are intended for? (This one actually has a clear moral duty associated, which is, um, unexpected. I think the title leads to to misunderstanding.)
It happens here all the time. I would like to take the opportunity to both run my lovely original art again and give myself a big slap on the back! Thank you, self! Yes, I drew it!
n.b.: THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS THE “SEATTLE PACIFIC ZEPPELIN AIRLINES”, although wealthy investors are encouraged to lodge inquiries with my solicitor. Idle and/or curious inquiries will be referred to Mr. Hand. A click on the inline graphic will, however, provide the idle “web-surfer” with a fully-scalable PDF, suitable for printing on your office’s large-format color printer.
No such thing?!?!? Then what about that $500 ticket I just bought on Hotwire! Non-refundable deposit?!?! WHYIOUGHTA!!!!
Dear customer of Seattle Pacific Zeppelin Airlines:
We apologize for any difficulty you may have encountered in fulfilling your recent order. If you’ll conact your area sales representative, Mrs. Sani Ochoa Rafsani of Nigeria via email, she will provide you with a series of increasingly convoluted intysructions designed to get you to wire transfer even more of your money to another bank account.
Thank you for your patronage! We value your trade, and recognize that you don’t have any other choice than Seattle Pacific Zeppelin Airlines when it comes to selectin a Seattle-based LTA tours provider.
For this circumstance, we’d like to thank many willing elected offcials and political action committees for so thoughtfully accepting our generous campaign donations.