This weekend was mostly spent out in the yard, uprooting dandelions.
As a consequence, the back of my neck and shoulders are fried to a crisp, crackly red which is currently most painful.
This weekend was mostly spent out in the yard, uprooting dandelions.
As a consequence, the back of my neck and shoulders are fried to a crisp, crackly red which is currently most painful.
Hey Mike.
Just read your sunburn words with empathy-must have been a shitload of dandylions. I live on a boat now but before, I had a lawn to look after and there was this certain type of weed with long tendrils snaking out like a starfish -so to pull it out completely one had to comb them upwards with the spread fingers and then grab em like a ponytail and yank.I loved it, but do remember the sunburn.