The Seattle Times: Bumbershoot favorite busted, then banned
A brief article on Jason’s banishment from Bumbershoot. You know, the reasons to live here are thinning out.
I sent a note to the address provided here expressing my disappointment in the situation, but someone’s having DNS trouble, it bounced from the address.
Just to add insult to injury: I COMPLETELY forgot that Jason was playing a couple of shows this weekend. Dammit. So I missed them.
(The DNS trouble was local: there’s some sort of persistent problem in Apple’s implementation of lookupd and DNSAgent that causes it to just stop looking when it gets a timeout from a domain name server instead of continuing to query the next server on the list, or restarting the query at the top of the list.)
Mike–would you like to see Jason’s show at the Olympia World News again in October? I’m considering it. The info from Jason’s events page:
Oct 12 – Olympia, WA
Olympia World News
116 E. 4th Ave
7:30 pm – All Ages
I wrote a mini-review on Friday’s show at the Nordic Heritage Museum in the Guestbook, which you’ve probably already seen. It was quite a bit different from Jason’s usual events, but similar too, with an ensemble banded together and some Butoh performances. I need to get to know these folks better and get more involved in cool performance art activities of this sort!!
What the hell has happened to you people? Jesus Christmas! Mike, you and Viv can move to NYC and crash here until I get kicked out in November.