Our credit union sold our mortgage as soon as we closed; I was not unprepared for this but I had a self-deluding hope that I would still be accessing Alaska USA customer service personnel instead of EvilBankAmeristates. The real pisser for me is that I can’t just transfer money from my main account ot my loan account.
I can’t possibly describe my anger. God, this pisses me off. I did, I acknowledge, sign the paperwork. I hate. I hate. I hate. Oh, I hate.
Though you may not be able to do an on demand transfer, chances are good you can (if you wish…..) have the mortgage holder perform a direct debit based on the account and routing info from the CU. Or, if you have billpay at your CU, the inverse, of course.
For us, the writing of the check is not a big deal, so we stick with that.