Britain Says Man Killed by Police Had No Tie to Bombings. [NYT]:
“LONDON, July 23 – Scotland Yard admitted Saturday that a man police officers gunned down at point-blank range in front of horrified subway passengers on Friday had nothing to do with the investigation into the bombing attacks here. The man was identified by police as Jean Charles de Menezes, a 27-year-old Brazilian, described by officers as an electrician on his way to work.”
Fantastic work, 007.
RSS subscribers may find an even less politic remark that I regret. As someone who in his youth fled at high speed on foot from police officers, it will be no challenge to decipher my sentiments here, although I do feel sympathy for the police officer who executed the man in good faith. I do use the phrase ‘good faith’ mockingly, but not the word ‘sympathy.’ To my surprise, at 39, I find I have friends and relatives who have chosen law enforcement as their career. My sympathy is genuine.