Apple’s QT7 upgrade breaks QT6 Pro. You have to shell out for a new serial number. Sadly, activating the copy of 7 that has auto-updated on your system will not necessarily provide access to the features you need. From Apple’s online fora (quoted, as Apple does not provide permanent online posting of the discussions):
Since I’ve installed Quicktime 7 Pro it crashes every time I try to open ‘Show movie properties’. I’ve tried it on a variety of Quicktime movies, old and new. I’ve now repaired permissions and repaired my disk – but to no avail.
This workaround is from “blinkmedia”, it was posted yesterday. And it worked for me.
With QT Player not running:
Open System Prefs > International & change your language setting. Then quit and re-open System Prefs and change your language setting back to what it was/should be. QT Player’s “Movie Properties” should now behave as expected.
I can confirm that this successfully allows access to “Movie Properties.”