I was unable to get into the doctor this morning, which means I will have to wait until Friday morning. Happily, at some point in today’s running around a channel appears to have opened in the wax, and now I can hear again. I will continue home irrigation, an odious and messy business, in the hopes of being done with it before then.

Last weekend Viv and I were wandering about deepest Ballard, when we came across a small secretary desk, about two feet by one foot, that we immediately realized would fit well in our living room and displace one of the rickety 1950s TV trays that Viv has been employing a a computer and work desk. Unfortunately, the shop owner was unable to meet our price expectations and so we did not come away with the piece.

Today, as we enjoyed the splendors of intracity traffic in Seattle on the first day of boating season, we passed by a gimcrack shop we’d never ventured into. I told Viv to pull over, and once parked we explored the place. Nearly immediately Viv found a matched table and chair set, rather plainer but probably older than the other one, for well under half the price that we’d been offered at the other place. The tiny chair was quite rickety and not well suited to day-to-day use.

Around a corner in the shop, we found another old chair, this with a home-made cushion that matched one on the small side chair that came with the table. Asking, we learned that the three pieces of furniture all originated in the same home. We asked about purchasing them as a unit, and the shop’s owner extended an extremely reasonable offer we were pleased to agree to. A bit of puzzle-building later, we we had them in the car, and as I write, Viv is seated at the sturdy chair, computer on desk.

Interestingly, the sturdy chair was made in Aurora, Indiana, at the Cochran Chair Company; Aurora is just down the road from Lawrenceburg, the home of several friends of mine from Bloomington, including Matt Uhlmann, Bill Weaver, and John Terrill.

12 thoughts on “Ear hear

  1. Hi: Stumbled across your site googling for Cochran Chair Co… nothing else listed..do you have a contact re: the company? I would appreciate it. Thanks, across the way on Kitsap. Joan

  2. Hi: Stumbled across your site googling for Cochran Chair Co… nothing else listed..do you have a contact re: the company? I would appreciate it.I copied this off your website from another person with the same problem. Can you help?

  3. I have a really old table that has the Cochran Chair Co on the bottom of it, does anyone know where we can find out the worth of this table? thanks!

  4. Wow, this is the only site I could find re: Cochran Chair Co. I have 4 cool chairs which I bought at an Estate sale for like $10 a piece. They have a high back with black leather seats applied with blackk upholstery tacks/nails. The leather is pretty trashed and the varnsih is all black and crackling. The old label reads Cochran Chair co. #658, Indiana. I want to refinish them but won’t if they are worth some $. Anyone know the worth of these chairs?Still very sturdy.

  5. I have Cochran rocker and was trying to figure the age, any other sites to find this info? Seems to be very well built.

  6. OK, here is what I found out. Called the HIstorical Society in Aurora Indiana and the Cochran Chair Co. startedin 1879 and closed its doors in 1973.There are no catalogs that the Historical Society knows of. I guess I could check the library down in Lawrenceburg or Aurora. Anyway, this is the only info they gave me excpet that the Cochran Chair co. attended a furniture exposition in Grand Rapids Michigan in the 60’s. I believe. Hope this helps some people.

  7. I have a similar set of chairs as Beth decribed in Jan.8 2006 posting. They are a high T-back and appear to be made of oak. Does anyone have additional info?

  8. I have a set of (6) chairs that have the Cochran Chair Co tag. Says #862. They were my great grandmother’s. I thought I would use them but after 14 years have not. I also did not want to just trash them because they might be worth something? Anything new info since these last postings?

  9. Like Deb who posted in Jan. 2006, I have an old walnut table, about 12 in. x 28 in. with wrought iron supporting the legs. The # is H025 or 4025. Do you know who would know the approx. value? Thanks so much, Carol

  10. I have my great grandparents rocker, which has the sticker on the bottom: Cochran Chair Comapany Mfgers, Cockran, Indiana. This is all it says. My gr-grandparents died in spring of 1925. I have been searching for info on this company, to see when the was made…I think it is probably ca1900-10. Have any catalogs been found? Thanks Vonnie

  11. I have a Cochran chair. All I have been able to find out is that the original plant burned down in something like 1886 and it opened in 1879. I didn’t no the company had operated after it burned. The chair I have has swivel buttons on the end of the legs. I assumed they were used for uneven log floors, anyway I had never seen legs on a chair like this. I am also looking for any info on the company and chair.

  12. I have a wonderful table made by the Cochran Chair Co. It has two leaves which slide under the table top when not in use, which makes them very easy to use and eliminates the storage problem of most table leaves. I would love to know about when the table was made and what it’s made of. The Grand Rapids Public Library seems to have some sort of magazine that includes articles about or by the Cochran Chair Co. in the early 1900’s, but I am in Maryland, a long way from Grand Rapids. I’ll check back here to see if anyone knows more or to add info if I find out more. Thanks! Linda

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