A list created as of March, 2004: Open-Source Diabetes tools at sourceforge.net. This list was forwarded as a base of investigation for a Debian-oriented dev list.
I also located a Germany-based product for diabetes tracking in the Symbian OS; unfortunately the screen shots of the product only depict it on the PC side and the UI is too intimidating for the general user, I believe.
There are a passel of tracking programs available for Palm, and have been for years, so the market is pretty well-developed. However it’s really a Symbian product we need.
I have been discussing how valuable a blog-like tool for diabetes users would be. I wonder if it’s possible to develop a plugin for the main blogging tools that would allow the user to select the kind of entry that they will make. I envision something could capture the dietary and blood-test information separately and allow non-publication, password-based access to the data, easy data transmission from the tool, etc, all while allowing the user to blog in the customary fashion as well.
An ideal use of my imaginary ‘diablog’ tool would be as a destination for the testing data, synching when the user synchs their PDA data.
Many meters also have onboard data storage and transfer ports. Unfortunately the tools for getting the data out are mired in the high-castle world of medical suppliers, and of course, medical data is a privileged class of information as well, which might well complicate liability for tool-providers aiming to make the datastream transparent.
Check out ALwin Hawkin’s blog – he writes a lot about tools for diabetes – http://www.ahawkins.org/
interesting – I was actually thinking about Tinderbox when I wrote that paragraph.