A remarkable collection of “bawdy songs.”
UPDATE: actually, the site itself is even more remarkable than I had realized. On March 31, the site author was in B-ton for “Extreme Folklore.” It’s a shame I was unaware of this; I surely would have alerted Holly.
The site author’s précis: “This website is dedicated to traditional bawdy songs, erotic toasts and other recitations. The name, Immortalia, was chosen because it is the name of the earliest unexpurgated bawdy songbook published in the USA.”
Please note, the above is a deliberate nose-tweak aimed at the TOS, which says, in part, “derivative works and other unauthorized copying or use of stills, text, sounds or graphics is expressly prohibited.” I have derived, and I have copied, as noted by the quotes.
The author appears to expressly encourage it, as on the “What’s New” page, he states, regarding a song entitled The Motherfucker’s Ball, “If you sing this song, please email me.”
Huh, that’s pretty obviously a derivative work. I wonder if the invitation is to provide for some sort of copyright enforcement.
The site remains remarkable. Perhaps the site author will exhibit the same sense of humor that much of the material so carefully collected therein does. I simply cannot believe the sheer density of the site.
bawdy indeed!