The Lower Hudson Valley Paper Model E-gift Shop contains some veritable grails of space-happy cardmodeling, including a seven-inch Saturn V and a four-foot one, the Nautilus and Squid, a World War One tank, and most incredibly, a Gulf Oil LEM in versions one and two, which I have only seen previously at an unbuildable size.

There’s a great deal more amazing stuff here, including Star Wars, B5, old-skool Battlestar Galactica, an amazing robot thing, Trek, von Braun, a Boeing-drawn blueprint poster of a Saturn V, and a poster I am quite sure I recall as having been from a National Geographic published in July, 1967 (which is clearly credited to NASA and dated May 1967, so I may be wrong).

Link found at the indefatigable Cartoonist.

(Surely I have used this title before)