The Greatest Bus Driver in the World dropped a line wondering, “Can I use my iMac as a monitor for a Mac Mini?”
I scoffed, and indicated only the nuttiest of alpha geeks would even consider this. Well, them, and perhaps a sole, brave Italian, pushing back the frontier of creative hardware reuse!
If TGBDW’s iMac is quite old, he might well be able to use his Bondi iMac as a monitor for that shiny new Mini.
But for newer iMacs, as I understand it at least, reusing them as monitors is unlikely.
I should note that this is perhaps the fourth Mac Mini related inquiry I have fielded since Apple announced the model in January. That is totally unprecedented. Apple’s sales figures for the first quarter should be the best for any new Mac introduction, I suspect. The level of interest it seems to have generated must be quite comparable to that of the iPod.
For you NNW users: I think I need to proofread my blogstuff more closely.