Wow! I haven’t missed a day for a couple of years!
Today’s Treo update:
I installed Ringo, a ringtone manager which looks to be based on the Apple-store model of app. The default tone-selection methodology is to direct you to a store to purchase tone. Since I hate that business model with a burning passion, I deleted the app immeditaely.
I’m experimenting with another electric pocket utility, Busker, which is an MP3 player that includes podcast support. I imagine I’ll be looking at other players but it’s clear to me that podcast support is the single feature I really want.
I have also put Butler on the phone, which looks very promising indeed. It offers up to 60 day-configurable repeating or non-repeating alarms, 2 more than my beloved (and sadly mourned) BigClock, as well as a host of other little reminder-oriented features.
Finally, I’ll be experimenting with both ToySoft’s mp3Ringer and MotionApps’ mRing. Both apps advertise the ability to set ringtones based on mp3s and other media-stoage file formats.
UPDATE: both apps disqualifed themselves on initial launch. One required non-standard phone-answering behavior, so it’s gone. The other required Pocket Tunes; the ring manager I want has to be standalone. Onward!
After all, even if all the Palm Pilots stop, the cellphones will still all play Jason Webley tunes.