Florent Pillet’s iTreo offers photo-sync for the Mac-based Treo user, and his Sync Buddy looks like it will serve that portionof the market that is resistant to the Missing Sync’s price point, while also oferring a few fewer features.

Regarding audio recording, I downloaded both the Palm-oriented Audacity (not to be confused with the opensource project of the same name) and SoundRec. Audacity costs $99 and requires a PC-based installation and setup, which I could probably hack through, but: meh. SoundRec looked promising, but the project hasn’t been updated since Summer ’04 and required some sort of tweak to enable the Treo 600, so I was unsurprised when it refused to record to the Treo’s SD card and then errored out after a minute thirty when recording to the internal memory of the Treo.

I’ve dropped a line to the PAR developer, and hope to hear more soon.

Regarding the Nokia Series 6 apps, I removed Natural Recorder from Viv’s phone for now. I had a nice exchange of emails with the CTO of the company selling the app, and he confirmed that there is no way to turn off the recording in the current release – it’s a feature, he said, more or less. If you look at the marketing for the product, you can see that he is quite serious.

He did confirm that they intend to add an on-off feature in a future release, but that no release date is set. I understand this; the product was only released in January, if I recall correctly, so the company doesn’t even know if they are going to be in the ballpark on sales.

Finally, the Mac forum at MyTreo.net has been quite helpful.