Man, today is the first day in months that I’ve felt refreshed and efficient. I was a whirlwind at work today, just cranking out the orders, and when I got home I immediately piled into jobs two, three, and four.
I still have to move the laundry around downstairs, but I was able to bat cleanup on everything else, in time to meet Greg tonight to discuss his project.
Unfortunately, he sent me a new draft today – a day after my first read and initial notetaking – and so that added time to my evening. Printing it, transferring yesterday’s chicken scrawls over, and trying to get one more readthrough in before we meet tonight used the entire time budget I had for a second read. So the piece won’t have the benefit of a leisurely review, red pen in hand, this evening.
Greg will be here in 45 minutes. We’re going to Georgetown. I have to break the news about boozing it up on project nights to him. He’ll be doubtful.