I actually meant to mention this in yesterday’s entry: we were able to locate my missing PDA in the lost-and-found at Virginia Mason.
That’s a mixed blessing, but on the whole a good thing. I had been looking at 8mb and 16mb Vx’s on eBay (the newly-returned PDA is an IBM-branded 8mb Palm Vx, also an ebay purchase) and while 8mb models can be obtained from $20 to $40, the 16mb model starts at about $80. A brand new Tungsten C, the only current Palm that includes wifi, is about $200 on ebay.
If they had only left that butt-ugly thumb-board off the damn thing.
Anyway, it means one fewer set of technocrap to wrangle in my house.
I am gonna dump a bunch of my old computer gear in January – anubody have any wants? All my stuff is Mac-oriented, so unless you know the ropes or really want to learn, you’re not interested. Trust me.
I might post a detailed manifest here. Items will include a Cisco 675 DSL router, two bootable but dead-screen Wallstreets with various accessories, and a g3 upgraded 9500 with firewire, an 18 gb internal SCSI drive, and a ton of ram.