Events: “Today, KAPAO sent the ‘KAPAO Car’ to Apple Computer, Inc. in Cupertino California. The small compact car had a sign on the hood identifying it with KAPAO. The car was driven by a well dressed fellow, and there were two teenage kids and a dog in the car. The KAPAO Car had been fitted with a sound system. The car drove around Cupertino with this message heard on it’s loudspeakers: ‘WE ARE KIDS AND PETS AGAINST OVERTIME AND WE ARE HERE TO SHOUT OUT TO ALL OF YOU APPLE EMPLOYEES WHO ARE HERE WORKING LONG HOURS AWAY FROM YOUR FAMILIES ON A WEEKEND DURING THE HOLIDAY SEASON.’ They also promised to have an interview with Santa Claus later on.”
It quite escapes me where I came upon this, but it was certainly among the usual suspects.
Wish I’d known about this group a couple of years ago (before a certain dot-com went semi-poof). Could have brought the kitties to a protest outside a certain Chicago office building.
Hey, I drove the car, no kidding. The security guys got pretty riled. Check for details. I went back with a ten year old girl and the dog, and she sang: If you’re happy about overtime clap your hands. GUESS WHO CLAPPED? Her mom’s boss! Her mom has been working the last 25 days in a row, and this guy is happy about it.