“Everyone Else Has Had More Sex Than Me.” This came from a New Jersey-based blogger who shall remain nameless.
The sentiment is drawn from a single and amusing animated video viewable at the site linked above. The song is by Australian oddity TISM. Here’s some info on the band, including the unexpected origin of the band’s name.
Finally, I totally forgot about Jason’s final (?) death day show. Bummer. Michael and Josh have both posted about it. In my defense, I must note that I am stupid.
TISM are awesome. I’ve had the pleasure of watching them perform live on a few occasions (only in Australia, however). Highly recommended.
Mike, sorry we missed you at the show! Not only was I on the postering/street team again, but I was also recruited as a member of the Balloon Army, one of those in charge of dumping balloons on the masses, and handing out helium balloons to the Balloon Section crowd as they were going out for the procession. I can’t imagine Jason ever ceasing to make music, but he’s probably getting tired of killing himself every year. This one was a nice, elaborate summation of the previous four deaths (though, at least, he didn’t freeze to death this time), and we had a nice-sized crowd for the occasion, too! Hopefully someone filmed at least parts of it…AAAAAARRRRGHH!!
Hmmm… NJ-based blogger? I’m a NJ-based blogger who loves this song and has been talking about it for so damn long in my blogs… I doubt you’re talking about me, but hey, you never know!