In the earlier post referencing a photo-log of my commute, I expressed grumpiness that the captions of the images failed to properly appear in Gallery.
One reason is that the interesting tree seen here was not annotated.
It’s a Brazilian pepper tree, a problem plant in Florida.
The tree is just behind the Canal Boiler Works but probably not on the same lot.
How did this tree arrive? Originally, I had thought that it might be a ghost plant, a tree that survived the twentieth-century building boom that erected the industrial flats of the SoDo region. In some of the city’s older residential neighborhoods, five-house city blocks were platted from larger, older farms that had served a generation at most. Fruit trees sometimes survive in the interior of these blocks, a ghost of the prior use of the land. The trees may well have been planted by the home’s first tenants, too, I acknowledge.
The gnarled but fruited limbs of these trees are a signature of Seattle’s pre-World War II housing developments. I feel a strong affection for these trees, visualizing them as arboreal grandmothers, their knotted limbs extended each summer with sweet snacks for we monkeykin.
Alas, given that the pepper tree is a fast grower, my hopeful rumination is unlikely in this case.
Of course, it begs the question, regarding the Boiler Works, “Where is the Canal?”
My mother used to point out Brazilian Pepper Trees in the tone of voice you’d use to reference a particularly unpleasant type of STD.
beware the phrase “begs the question”
In your pictures that tree looks like a madrona tree.