The ever-excellent Cartoonist notes three old star atlases available online. Most cool. It’s almost embarrassing to just link like this, as the bande dessinateur (if you’ll pardon the expression) is such an exemplary practitioner of le bloguage court.
If you’ll pardon the expression, messieurs-dames.
Oh, my goodness me. I’m really sorry about that and I do apologise, indeed. 🙂
Thanks for the link,
Good grief – get the caps and spacing out of those comments! Looks awful!
Ah – they’re only in the preview. Good.
You discovered my hidden secret! I agree, it drives me bananas every time I see it.
I have no excuse: I am the world’s laziest human being. In fact I think I need to give my fingers a rest from all this typing, I’m getting winded.
Yeah, but so am I. Lazy, I mean. Don’t worry. That’s just normal.