oh yes. thingsmagazine.net/?p=11203&utm_s… – 02:37 AM GMT
on iOS Things’ post (is there a twitter? I love that stuff) sent me to the RoF simpits thread to catch up. riseofflight.com/forum/viewtopi… – 02:46 AM GMT
This is a custom DR1 simpit for RoF. pic.twitter.com/K69lwkcKiP – 02:46 AM GMT
@surlygourmand if you can get to the bottom of the Yelp stuff that would be great! But you want the Turf. – 02:47 AM GMT
@surlygourmand The um County Line (?) just beyond Georgetown is a decent dive bar / dancehall. There are a few joints down there … – 02:49 AM GMT
@surlygourmand … that cater to recent or temporary American workers, which means there is cool music. – 02:50 AM GMT
@surlygourmand also, the Waterwheel on Aurora was once bumptious but I cannot vouch for it in these fallen times. – 02:51 AM GMT
@surlygourmand not harrowing, but cheap and with heshers: the 2Bit. I’ll look into harrowing. – 02:52 AM GMT
@surlygourmand Dawg Tails on 99 was once a TNG theme bar called Ten Forward. I was harrowed, you bet. – 02:53 AM GMT
@surlygourmand Lucite-illuminated 6-foot bar in two-room bunkhouse decorated with Worf and Picard standees. – 02:54 AM GMT
@surlygourmand Two handles: Bud, Bud Lite. 12 tanks of pull tabs, perhaps intended as dabo. – 02:55 AM GMT
@surlygourmand Four filthy wizened barflies. No females. – 02:55 AM GMT
@surlygourmand The barman sported a TNG command red jersey with apron folded to cover waist down only. Jersey was filthy as a consequence. – 02:56 AM GMT
@surlygourmand No food. That was it. Pulltabs, Bud, Bud Lite, Lucite-illumination, sad men, cardboard gambling, and filth. I was appalled. – 02:58 AM GMT
@surlygourmand In hindsight, it maybe the single greatest bar or service establishment I have ever stepped into. – 02:58 AM GMT
@surlygourmand in conclusion, considering your provenance, have you considered the New Orleans? – 02:59 AM GMT
STAY TUNED FOR POT PIE UPDATE no it’s chicken ok, just chicken and stuff NO ACTUAL POT OK – 03:01 AM GMT
Chicxshred from roasted bird, juice to cream sauce, homemade crust. Unsure if my roux worked. Hope so. pic.twitter.com/UmHfshChEU – 03:03 AM GMT
@surlygourmand well, harrowing. and yes yes it was a joke. – 03:10 AM GMT
hm, @marcmaron just misogynistically dissed my distant cuz @whybark. seems like a dick move. noted, even if the kid nuked whatever he said. – 03:36 AM GMT
@whybark @marcmaron hmmmm – 03:58 AM GMT
@deathmtn we shall see. I screwed up the matrix last time. tasted great but it was like chicken glue. too much flour. – 03:59 AM GMT
@ftrain no joke, there is an active cricket community out here – 03:06 PM GMT
RT: @arvidinseattle: Today’s Must Read: MT @dominicgates: #Boeing 787 #Dreamliner assembly problems in Charleston drag on Everett. seattletimes.com/html/businesst…” – 03:09 PM GMT
RT: @ballardian: I’m pleased Wheatley is progressing re: High-Rise. Breaking free from the long list of vapourware Ballard adaptations bit.ly/11DfQQV – 03:16 PM GMT
RT: @ballardian: Tantalising. Ben Wheatley says filming on his adaptation of Ballard’s High-Rise has started – & it’s set in the 70s: bit.ly/1fK2R7K – 03:20 PM GMT
oh man more Ballard movies please – 03:21 PM GMT
@ezrakilty haw. – 06:34 PM GMT
@ezrakilty @ftrain en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cricket_p… – 06:35 PM GMT
@ezrakilty @ftrain poets.org/viewmedia.php/… – 06:36 PM GMT
@ezrakilty @ftrain poetryfoundation.org/poem/178443 – 06:36 PM GMT
@ezrakilty @ftrain (Jiminy Cricket YouTube link bonus round declined on penalties) – 06:39 PM GMT
@poupou lol – 06:48 PM GMT
delightful. Apple updated the formats of my iCloud Numbers files to be incompatible with all the versions of Numbers I am willing to use. – 07:45 PM GMT
I believe the answer is opening them in-browser and migrating 100% to Google Docs, with a pitstop in Excel. – 07:46 PM GMT
awww yeah banh mi – 08:57 PM GMT
RT: @dduane: A thoughtful review of my & @p_morwood’s “The Romulan Way,” & some events surrounding its publication: twy.la/1ikXeNG – 09:05 PM GMT
That RT leads to a fascinating overview of Star Trek franchise politics with respect to the tie-in novels era. I mean, fascinating to me. – 09:06 PM GMT
You know, when everyone on your TL from Indianapolis to NYC is freaking out about snow, it probably means something. – 10:54 PM GMT