@hell0jed @arthurwyatt dude SUPER CONGRATS – 01:02 AM GMT
@matthewbaldwin lol we were driving into town to dig the Peru thing at SAM and got into an extended discussion of the, the, what is that – 01:08 AM GMT
@urbanspoon @Thrillist (improv) – 01:11 AM GMT
@gjcharlet quite a savings! (excluding inflation) – 01:14 AM GMT
Spent noon-2 at the SAM Peru show, git popped for pix by the man, in this instance a petite east asian woman. pic.twitter.com/kymhuKCy2O – 01:16 AM GMT
According to the placard, which I transcribed, having been informed pix were a no-go-zone: – 01:17 AM GMT
Roof ornament in the shape of a church,Ca. 1970Painted ceramicMamerto Sanchez CardenasPeruvian, 1942Private collection, Quebec – 01:18 AM GMT
What’s odd about this is that my parents, who lived and worked in Peru in the early 1960s, appear to have a same-scale same-subject work. – 01:20 AM GMT
I think, based on my childhood study of the object, that the sculpture my parents have is by the same hand, or perhaps workshop. – 01:21 AM GMT
Mom and Dad, you never cease to amaze me. – 01:21 AM GMT
.@DanEngler my dad actually did tell me Viracocha stories when I was a tot – 02:23 AM GMT
@middleclasstool always ask yourself, “what would jimmy james do?” – 06:20 AM GMT
@praguepainter do you know Eric, Lawrence? Bton kid, helluva painter before he blew up in gaming – 09:43 PM GMT
@johnpstrohm night and day. NIGHT AND DAY, hear? Night. And day. – 09:52 PM GMT