On our way to pick up Spence and roll on to the Daymented Everything Party, I was over come with hunger, so we dropped into the U-District’s Sushi Express (“Drive-By Sushi!”) to nosh.

While there, I saw a blogger I do not know except by sight, Dan’s pal Zannah, come in and sit down, presumably with hubby.

The food was fine, although we learned that the crew was new; the kaiten train was a bit barren for long stretches, and alas, no beer.

I kept calling Mr. Elope to see if he wanted to go to the party but he proved as elusive as Mr. Bob Dobelina.

When we finally adjourned my throat suddenly hurt like crazy and sadly, I had to bow out of the party. So I came home and spent the evening doing detailed financial projections and analyses for a meeting I have in the ayem. I might suggest moving to to a smaller, less packed venue in order to minimize my germic footprint.

One thought on “sore throat

  1. We missed ya – but thanks for your efforts.

    Now if you miss our Going Away Party, then I’ll disown you for sure.

    (how’s the fish?)

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