Early Eighteenth-Century Newspaper Reports.
Helpful tutelage!
Early Eighteenth-Century Newspaper Reports.
Helpful tutelage!
Reading John’s summery recollections with an 82-degree day outside the door has me jonesing for a quarry run, a case of Wisconsin Club, and a bowl of instant ramen.
Based on the facebook photo album, Facebook | Brad Wilhelm’s Photos – Obama, I would venture that Senator Obama and Brad Wilhelm stood in relation to one another roughly as Dave D’Eath and I once did on the eve of his wedding.
Far out.
Bloomington is a Democratic strionghold, of course, but the state is reliably Republican in the general election. There must be a brass-knuckles fight in the state Dems over superdelegates. I’d love to hear who is leaning where in Monroe County.
Carnival Obscura: The Esoteric Rocketman: partly on Gravity’s Rainbow, still Pynchon’s apogee, but mostly about a book concerning Jack Parsons, the OTO-JPL man.
High-school punk-rock buddy John Strohm (and musician and lawyer) is autobioblography-ing. Part one. Part two. Part three. Part four.
It’s really, really interesting to read another person’s well-written recollections of your shared adolescent experiences.
Sandhills Woman’s Exchange: big, low ceilinged tea room in back, tiny, two-century-old cabin in front, filled with white haired persons, crafts, &c.
Including preserves, of course.
Launchy: “Open source keystroke launcher for windows.”
FriendFeed, YA feed aggregator to be examined.
Pipes: Rewire the web. Yeah, yeah yeah.
The House of Blue Lights, a house transformed into the basis of a local ghost story in Indianapolis betweeen 1920 and 1960.