Any given URLs in the form of <domain>/archives/<6-digit post ID>.html now redirect to <domain>/archives/<1 to 6-digit post ID> – I had to change the default URL format from <yyyy>/<mm>/<dd>/<post-title>, which is a shame.

But that should do it!

Skinning is next. I guess it’s OK to leave the book look behind. I suppose I’ll start by rummaging for a pre-made.

mod_rewrite amirite

WP has definitively retained the MT post IDs and spot checking indicates that they are addressable via URL in the form of <domain>/?p=<1 to 4-digit post ID>.

So I just need to set up a rewrite rule in .htaccess – there are some varying approaches to managing the unpadded ID form – MT output six-character ID strings so post ID 39 was incorporated into the URL as 000039 and 5769 was 005769.